Knowledge is power! I can't remember where I first heard that saying and obviously I would like to present myself as a literary genius but truth be known, I probably picked it up from a movie. Point being, the source of the saying has no bearing on how true the statement actually is.
As some of you know from reading my blog or just generally being around me whilst I bore everyone to death with my endless poker spouting, I've been getting coached to improve my poker game.
I've written about those sessions with Alex Yen from cardrunners previously on the blog and you can go back through my posts to get a handle of my experience with him if you haven't already read them (or for those of you that are too lazy to, it was good.)
However, I've recently been going through a tough time at the tables and even dropped down in stakes so that I didn't lose too much money whilst running bad. I began to wonder if my new style of play had something to do with this? Maybe I was over adjusting? Perhaps the poker gods get a kick out of watching me tilt? Maybe I need to slaughter a small animal and offer it up to the poker gods so that they un-flick the doom switch?
Whilst browsing the twoplustwo forums for an answer I came across a post from a guy (FreakDaddy on 2+2) who worked for a company called pokerzion. He was offering a Hand History review style of coaching. I thought it might be a good idea to get a different style of coaching (Hand History review vs watching me play and listen to my thoughts) to complement that which I have already undertaken with Alex and to get a fresh pair of eyes on my play.
I've only just got the video of the review today. I played 10,000 hands at some low stakes to show my style of play without losing too much more money in the process (just in case I was playing bad instead of running bad). The sample size is small but enough to explore my style of play and find some leaks, and we/he did!
Overall I found this review to be super helpful. One thing that I have noticed is that in one Hand History review session, you can cover several topics that may take three or four 1-1 coaching sessions to go over making it very effective in terms of cost vs time. The review cost me $150 and I think that is money well spent, the format is very professional and I will definitely go back when I have logged some more hands.
Lastly I've been thinking about how I can make this blog more useful to you guys, the poker enthusiast reader. Something that I have realised whilst looking for suitable coaches for myself is that it's hard to find great reviews that help you make an informed decision on the coach thats right for you. So I'm going to be posting videos of sessions where I'm being coached along with a review to help you in your decision making. I'll be reviewing many different coaches independently and unbiasedly, then simply pointing you in the direction of the ones that I found most useful. OK so maybe my incentive will be more readers but is that such a bad thing???
Download the video: Detailed Review & Video Link
As always, good luck at the tables.
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