Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Going On Tilt! - How to make more money playing poker

Any of you that play poker for long enough will , at one point or another, experience tilt! I think this affects everyone but it especially affects guys. To anyone who may be reading this that finds themselves unfamiliar with the term 'tilt', let me try and explain.

Tilt is the beast that consumes and overrides logic, it is an emotional fury that supersedes even that of road rage, or being refused entry to a night club on grounds of being 'too drunk'.

Now I expect I'm talking more towards the guys in this post, and the part of you in particular that I am talking to is the alpha male, dominant monkey, aggressive, caveman that lurks in us all. I don't care if you get your hair cut at Toni & Guy, use moisturiser every day, drink latte coffee's or even drive a convertible car, deep down we all have the beast to answer to.

I'm talking about the part of you that leaves the toilet seat up, the part that doesn't need to ask for directions, the part of you that wants steak and chips every night, the part of you that hurls abuse at the TV when England don't win a match.

However well you try to play good, solid, rational poker, the fact of the matter remains that the beast will come out at some point. It might be after a horrible bad beat, your sexy AA gets cracked twice in a row or you have a super aggressive monkey (aka Agro Monkey) at your table who just keeps on re-raising your bet, every time!

Whatever the reason why, you need to get a handle on the red mist that consumes you at this point, the best advice I can give you is walk away. I'm laughing as I read this as it seems ironic that I have never been capable of walking away from a fight in my life, but you have to. Making money in poker is not easy and any edge you may have is small at best but being able to identify when the beast has you and then acting on that by closing the laptop, calmly standing up walking away and maybe breaking an inexpensive object will show massive returns in your overall win rate. breaking a £10 vase is nothing compared to blowing another 3-4 buyins and then potentially throwing your laptop against the wall.

Good luck at the tables

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