Friday, 7 November 2008

First 7000 hands since I employed a poker coach

I've been looking at my game since I've employed a poker coach to help tweak my play, but to be fair on him, it's too early to judge results based on one lesson. I have ironically found my self playing even tighter (ironic since my goal was to improve and open up my game), especially out of position, but I think my post flop skills are getting better, especially against regular players, I feel more comfortable making 'moves' in good looking situations. Oh yes baby, it's only a matter of time before I get back into the souls of my poor victims, gathered around the table, like cattle rounded up for the slaughter (touch wood).
The above graph is the result of playing 9 tables, running at 650 hands per hour (sick, wasted life, but decicated none the less).


Jaron02 said...


Thanks for your post. With poker mentoring, you are first assigned to a professional poker coach who watches you play online, and then assesses your strengths and weaknesses.

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